Certified Shorthand Reporting
In the litigation setting: depositions, statements, trials, hearings and arbitrations.
CART: (C)ommunication (A)ccess (R)ealtime (T)ranslation in one-on-one, small and large group settings
While CART is near verbatim, the captioner’s responsibility is to convey the speaker’s intent, sometimes paraphrasing, leaving out repetitive or misspoken verbiage, and occasionally, for more efficient translation, substituting words of a similar meaning for those that are not in the steno dictionary. This technology can be provided as an accommodation in keeping with the spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The accommodation provided to persons with hearing loss is a vital link to their continued integration with the hearing community.
Realtime reporting through CaseView®
Realtime translation is effected by connecting the Stentura® via cable to a computer which matches the steno outline with an English translation and then sends the signal out for viewing in a variety of ways. The signal may go to one computer for one-on-one access for an individual who is deaf; to two or more computer monitors for attorneys at a deposition conference table or trial to follow testimony; to a PC projector for group audiences; through a caption encoder for text to appear below the projected image of a speaker in an auditorium setting; or still yet is sent back via modem to a television studio for live broadcast.
Internet Reporting / Captioning / CART / Webcasting
Reporting via the Internet affords the provision of court reporting, captioning or CART services to a client in a secondary location through remote Internet access. The combination of StreamText©'s advanced technology Internet platform and a highly skilled captioner allows seamless communication between participants in distinct separate locations, whether the reporter is on site at the event or is connected remotely and receiving audio feed. This service may be provided across a spectrum of solely text, text and audio, or an audiovideo-text package; and permits an unlimited number of participants to "attend" a prescheduled event such as a deposition, meeting, conference, training session, class or Web broadcast without incurring the expenditure of travel time or costs.
Verbatim or summary minutes
For meetings, teleconferences and focus group discussions.
Other Services
- Transcription of Audio / Video recordings
- Condensed / Minuscript transcripts
- Proofreading
- Digital Video Recording
- Notary Public
- Litigation-Support, electroni files in ASCII, PDF, or E-Transcript™
- Indexing / Concordance
- Client-accessible password-secure Internet transcript & exhibit repository.